

Digital Pocket Pit Gauge UAE

Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : Contact us for delivery
Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : Out of Stock

Part Number : N88-4-D

Western Instruments' Pocket Pit Gauge has quickly risen to the top of the list of Dial Indicator Pit Depth Gauges. With its flexible reversible blade, the Pocket can measure flat surfaces and compound curves using the Spot Configuration. The inspector can measure on the longitudinal axis of tube and pipe or a single curvature when using the Flat Side of the Blade (38mm / 112") to take measurements. Measurements on compound curves, such as a ball, can be made using the Spot Side of the Blade (12.5mm / 12"), specifically on the scrolls and impellers of pumps, the necks and bases of gas cylinders, and the blades of turbines. The Flat Side of the Blade can be used to zero a Pocket Pit Gauge just like any other Dial Indicator Pit Gauge.

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