


Indicator Units


Standard Insert


Radial Homogeneity (similar pockets)


Vertical gradients (over bottom 40mm)


Cools From


Heats From


Heats from 30°C to 550°C


Heating Rate


Temp Range


1200°C to 200°C


Cools from 1200°C to 800°C


Display Resolution




Blackbody Source


Computer Interface




Calibration Volume




Approximate time to temperature from ambient


Cools from 550°C to 275°C


Cools from 550°C to 60°C


Cools from 650°C to 150°C


Heats from 30°C to 650°C


Uniformity - Radial, Liquid Bath Mode


Uniformity - Axial, Liquid Bath Mode (40mm)


Uniformity - Radial, Dry Block Mode (Between Wells)


Uniformity - Axial, Dry Block Mode (40mm)


Heating Time


Cooling Time


Insert Size


Insert Types


Uniformity - Lower 40mm (Axial) Dry Block Mode


Uniformity - Radial Bath Mode


Uniformity - Lower 40mm (Axial) as Liquid Bath


Unformity - Between Wells Dry Block Mode (Radial)


Surface Sensor Calibrator


Indiactor Units


Heats from 50°C to to 700°C


Overall Dimensions


Products - Dry Blocks and Portable Baths


Dry Blocks and Portable Baths

For the past 40 years, Isotech has been at the forefront of new developments in temperature metrology.From hand-held thermometers to Primary Standards, from field technicians to National Laboratories, Isotech has the perfect equipment for your application.
The temperature sensor that is being calibrated is inserted into pre-drilled metal inserts in dry-block (dry-well) calibrators. These dry-block calibrators contain a removable metal insert with pre-drilled holes into which sensors for measurement can be put. The dry-block insert is a temperature source that may be adjusted to different test points and delivers a consistent temperature. Because it relies on strong thermal contact between the metal insert and the temperature sensor, the inserts' hole diameters are often variable. The display is usually calibrated to work with or without a reference thermometer. These calibrators have a lightweight, small container for simple transport to the field, as well as an insert that can typically calibrate one to three sensors at a time.

Image Brand

Gagemaker BXP-154 | Groove Width Profile for BX-154 groove


Part Number : BXP-154 Gagemaker BXP-154 | Groove Width Profile for BX-154 groove

Gagemaker BXP-154