

EC20 Pocket Conductivity Tester

Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : In Stock
Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : In Stock

Part Number : EC20

For all typical EC testing applications, including hydroponics, education, tap/drinking water, swimming pools, water treatment, etc., the Apera Instruments EC20 tester is simply the most trustworthy conductivity (EC) tester with the finest value. With a measurement range of 0-200.0 S/cm, 0-2000 S/cm, 0-20.00 mS/cm, and 0-50.0 C, the device has up to 2 points of auto calibration with buffer recognition and 0 to 50 C auto temperature compensation (ATC), with an accuracy of 1 percent F.S., 0.5 C. The BPB (Brush-Resistant Platinum Black) sensor uses our proprietary processing technique, which reduces electrode polarisation, increases measuring range, and makes the electrode firmer. This ensures a much higher level of accuracy and consistency in a wide range EC measurement than traditional stainless steel electrodes, and it is also simple to clean.  

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